6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

That Man Is You

Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God?  Be a better husband?  Become a more loving father?  Build friendships with other like-minded men?  Then plan on joining us for breakfast on Saturday mornings.

That Man Is You! (TMIY) is a multi-year program that provides a series of video presentations and discussion topics.  Each week the focus is on how we, as Christian men, can improve our relationships and have a more positive impact within our families and community by developing a more intimate union with God.

Our Fall Semester meets for 13 weeks between mid-September and mid-December, followed by a Spring Semester that meets for another 13 weeks from January through April.  We meet in O’Connell Hall at St. George School.  Breakfast is available beginning at 6:30 AM, and our weekly video presentations start at 7:00 AM, followed by lively small-group discussions until 8:00 AM.

Program brochures with full details about this year’s topics and objectives are available at all church entrances. There is no “course fee” for TMIY.  We only ask that those attending make a free-will donation towards defraying the cost of the breakfast items provided.

No dues, no long-term commitments, no evening committee meetings, and no requirement to be there every week.  Just come whenever you can!

Please consider picking up a brochure for a friend and invite them to come with you.  All adult men, 18 and older, are invited and encouraged to attend.  We look forward to seeing you there!

To learn more about this program, please contact Gary Hendzell at (708) 614-1734 or