Women of Purpose Book Club
All parishioners (male or female) are invited to join Saint George Women’s Group in this Book Club adventure. Everyone is invited to join one of the already scheduled locations or create your own group. You can decide to meet in your home, one of the rooms in the Cahill Center, or a favorite location such as a restaurant, park , or ?
The kick-off week is April 14. This should allow sufficient time for everyone to obtain a copy of the book. Four meeting dates have been determined: Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM, Saturday afternoon (time decided by the group), Friday (anytime day or evening at any place), and Tuesday afternoon in the Parish Center. Each group will decide how often to meet. At the end of each chapter there are questions and topics for discussion. It is suggested group numbers be kept to under ten to allow for easy discussion.
On Thursday evening, June 6, there will be an opportunity for book club members to come together. This will give you nine weeks to get through the book at your own pace. The entire book will be discussed with some insight from each group as well as suggestions for another book.
Please consider joining us. Even though the book title is about women, it is primarily about Jesus and the relationships He had while here on earth. If you would like to join a group already scheduled or if you would like to create your own group please contact Kay Keating at 708-651-0089 or email her atmrsdcntim@yahoo.com.
Advent By Candlelight – November 30, 2023
Our Women of Purpose Group created another wonderful and prayerful event we shared with parishioners and guests. This year’s theme was The Greatest Gifts. We shared some of the scripture passages that will be found throughout the Advent Season while recognizing the gifts in each one of us. At the end of the evening we had built a charm bracelet that included symbols of each verse we shared. As well we received donations that covered the cost of the Baby Jesus and Crib for our outside Nativity Scene. Well done ladies!
See the calendar and bulletin for further events in the new year ahead.

Advent By Candlelight – December 2022

Our Woman’s Group Advent By Candlelight event was quite the success! We had a wonderfully prayerful evening with good music, great food, beautifully decorated tables, and of course an incredible evening with some strong faithful women from our parish and neighboring parishes. Thank you to the team who planned, presented and participated in the prayer service. Thank you to all who came out and we hope to repeat this in the future.

Bare Bones Bunco
Thursday, February 22 – 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Parish Life Center, Meeting Rooms 1 and 2
Please join Women of Purpose for some fun and fellowship. Nothing fancy, no frills, raffles or split the pot.
$10 pre-pay (includes pizza, bunco supplies and prizes, water and coffee. To RSVP and pre-pay, drop off payment at at the parish office in an envelope marked “Women of Purpose, your name(s) and bunco.” Seating is limited.
RSVP by Tuesday, February 20.
Adult friends and family are welcome. Feel free to bring you own fun refreshments. Please call Joan at 708-227-0028 with questions.
Advent By Candlelight – November 30, 2023
Our Women of Purpose Group created another wonderful and prayerful event we shared with parishioners and guests. This year’s theme was The Greatest Gifts. We shared some of the scripture passages that will be found throughout the Advent Season while recognizing the gifts in each one of us. At the end of the evening we had built a charm bracelet that included symbols of each verse we shared. As well we received donations that covered the cost of the Baby Jesus and Crib for our outside Nativity Scene. Well done ladies!
See the calendar and bulletin for further events in the new year ahead.

Advent By Candlelight – December 2022

Our Woman’s Group Advent By Candlelight event was quite the success! We had a wonderfully prayerful evening with good music, great food, beautifully decorated tables, and of course an incredible evening with some strong faithful women from our parish and neighboring parishes. Thank you to the team who planned, presented and participated in the prayer service. Thank you to all who came out and we hope to repeat this in the future.

Bare Bones Bunco
Thursday, February 22 – 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Parish Life Center, Meeting Rooms 1 and 2
Please join Women of Purpose for some fun and fellowship. Nothing fancy, no frills, raffles or split the pot.
$10 pre-pay (includes pizza, bunco supplies and prizes, water and coffee. To RSVP and pre-pay, drop off payment at at the parish office in an envelope marked “Women of Purpose, your name(s) and bunco.” Seating is limited.
RSVP by Tuesday, February 20.
Adult friends and family are welcome. Feel free to bring you own fun refreshments. Please call Joan at 708-227-0028 with questions.
Advent By Candlelight – November 30, 2023
Our Women of Purpose Group created another wonderful and prayerful event we shared with parishioners and guests. This year’s theme was The Greatest Gifts. We shared some of the scripture passages that will be found throughout the Advent Season while recognizing the gifts in each one of us. At the end of the evening we had built a charm bracelet that included symbols of each verse we shared. As well we received donations that covered the cost of the Baby Jesus and Crib for our outside Nativity Scene. Well done ladies!
See the calendar and bulletin for further events in the new year ahead.

Advent By Candlelight – December 2022

Our Woman’s Group Advent By Candlelight event was quite the success! We had a wonderfully prayerful evening with good music, great food, beautifully decorated tables, and of course an incredible evening with some strong faithful women from our parish and neighboring parishes. Thank you to the team who planned, presented and participated in the prayer service. Thank you to all who came out and we hope to repeat this in the future.