6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Worship Schedule

Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil – 4:00 PM
Sunday – 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM
Monday through Friday – 8:15 AM

Saturday – 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Holy Hour & Benediction:
Tuesday – 6:00 to 7:00 PM (Church)

Monday through Friday – 11:00 AM to Midnight (Holy Family Chapel)

SAVE THE DATE!  Saint George, Saint Elizabeth Seton and Saint Julie Billiart will be sponsoring a Pre-Lenten Mission on February 17, 18 and 19.  The Mission will take place at Saint Julie Billiart.  The Speaker will be Father Tom McCarthy, OSA. Father McCarthy, an experienced teacher, administrator, retreat director, and parish mission preacher, shares God’s love with everyone he meets.

Learn the Parts
of the Mass

Do you know all the parts of the Mass? Would you be able to put them in the order we celebrate them? Would you like to learn more and share your experience of the Mass? Do you want to understand the answers to these questions
and more? We are very excited to offer you this interactive opportunity to share your experience of the Mass and to listen to presenters give you details on parts of the Mass. As disciples for Christ we are to pray for one another.  At our session last month we talked about and wrote our own Prayers of Petition. Each classroom did the same, and we shared them together in church.

Father Dan Korenchan will be our presenter on January 8, and he will share his insights on the Nicene Creed.. If you haven’t attended our session yet this would be a great opportunity for you to revisit what we believe about our faith.

On February 5, Deacon Greg Bartos will discuss the Eucharist.

Our meetings start at 5:45 PM in the Parish Center MR 1 and 2. At 6:30 PM, we l go to church to experience that part of the Mass. Please feel free to join us at any of these sessions and bring a friend. If you have questions or would like more information, please call the office at 708-532-8211 or email Jeanne Lassandrello at

Marian Shrine Commemorative Bricks

We hope you have found a little time to see the completed Marian Shrine.  Some people have inquired if they could order a brick so we would like to offer another opportunity for those who are interested.   Orders will be taken until February 28 so the bricks can be installed in the spring.

To place an order, click here. There are also order forms at the entrances of the church. 

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Conrad at

Family Cafe
January 12

Come for Coffee and Conversation at 10:30 AM on Sunday, January 12 in the Cahill Center.  Join the conversation on how faith plays a role in our everyday lives.  We are excited to share, learn and understand what religious and spiritual needs are important to our families.  Your voice is an important part of this conversation and will help us better serve our parish families and strengthen and nurture our parish community’s future.

We will have snacks, light breakfast foods, coffee, juice and great conservation.  While the adults chat, the kids can play in the gym.

To register, click here or contact Jeanne at

Musical Prayer Service January 17

The Music Ministry of Saint George will be presenting a musical prayer service offering music, scripture and inspirational readings, silence for refection and meditation, and fellowship. The service will take place on Friday, January 17 at 7:00 PM in Church. The theme will be Peach and Martin Luther King, Jr. who is remembered on January 20. For more information, talk to Tim in the music area after Mass or email at

ALL ARE WELCOME! Feel free to bring guests.

Holy Family Chapel

Holy Family Chapel is open from 11:00 AM through 11:00 PM (closing at midnight) on Monday through Friday.  Click here for additional information and to sign up.

Tinley Park Food Pantry

Donations of non-perishable food for the Tinley Park Food Pantry can be brought to Saint George Church on the third weekend of each month.  Please note:  We cannot accept food items that are past the expiration date or partially opened.  Thank you for your generosity!


BINGO at Saint George

BINGO takes place on Friday Nights in O’Connell Hall and the Georgian Room.  Doors open at 5:00 PM and games begin at 7:00 PM.  Come for fun and fellowship!  Bring your own snacks!  For more information, call the school office at 708-532-2626.  Bingo will not take place on Friday, November 29, 2024.

Saint George Facebook Page

Become Part of Our Church Family

If you are new to our church or just visiting, please introduce yourself.  We are happy to share in this celebration of the Eucharist.  If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become a part of our parish. 

The Saint George Parish Registration Team is happy to announce that registration for new parishioners will take place on the third Sunday of the month after the 9:30 AM Mass in the Parish Life Center, Meeting Room 1.

Join us for coffee and a light breakfast as we welcome you into the Saint George Parish Family!



Children's Faith Formation

Saint George School

Saint George Parish News
Stay Connected

Give Central
Ongoing: Donate

Funeral Planning
Ongoing: Pray

Parish Registration
Ongoing: Join

Eucharist Adoration
Tuesdays: 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Invitation to Our Faith
Ongoing: Interested

Bread and Word
Ongoing: Sunday Mornings

Men's Club
Ongoing: Join

Adult Formation
Ongoing: Join

Children's Liturgy of the Word' Ongoing: Learn

That Man Is You
Ongoing: Join

Adult Formation
Ongoing: Join

Women's Group
All Women Welcome

Send Youth Ministry
Ongoing: Join

Domestic Violence
Outreach Ministry

Ongoing: Interested

Ongoing: Participate

Young Adult Ministry

Saint Vincent De Paul
Ongoing: Support

Mass Intentions
Ongoing: Schedule

Daybreak Shelter

Presider Schedule
Ongoing: Attend

Prayer Shawls
Available: Parish Office

Lector - Eucharistic Minister Schedule

Fair Trade
Ongoing: Buy & Support

Gift Cards

Knights of Columbus

Annual Catholic Appeal

Charitable Gift Annuity

Help Ukraine

Fridays at 7:00 PM

Victims Assistance
- Compliance

Archdiocese of Chicago
Ongoing: Support

US Conference of Cathlic Bishops
Ongoing: Learn

Word on Fire
Ongoing: Learn

90 Years

The Vatican
Ongoing: Learn