6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Message from Father Paul

July 21, 2024

Thank you to everyone for putting up with the road construction in front of our church. I understand it isn’t easy to maneuver and you must be careful with changing configurations and people who still insist on driving
in the wrong direction. So please, be careful! You probably didn’t notice we’ve done some of our own road construction on our parish parking lot. We repaved some small areas that have deteriorated badly, resealed and striped. The lot is now almost twenty years old and we will have to do a more extensive job, probably repaving the entire lot in the not too distant future. That will be a big-ticket item. I hate putting in a new parking lot because it feels like I’m just putting money in the ground!
But in reality, a good parking lot provides safety, dresses up the looks of the place and is an important part of welcoming. You know what I mean if you ever got out of your car, only to step into a hole full of water.

Among other projects… The Marian Shrine: The order for the commemorative bricks has been placed. We are preparing to have a new statue of the Blessed Virgin installed with a beautiful waterfall complemented by new plants and small shrubbery. The timing on the installation is pending. The renovation of the Parish Life Center will begin shortly. After almost thirty years, the place is ready for some refreshing. That will include new ceiling tiles, lighting and painting. The room dividers in the meeting rooms on the first floor will be replaced. Those are especially pricey. The plan is to make the meeting rooms feel more like a living room than classrooms.

These projects have been made possible by your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal this year was $60,225. We have $93,243 in fulfilled promises and a total of $110,849 pledged thus far. That means we will receive in the area of at least $30,000 in our parish rebate. The rebates, possible only through your generosity, turn these dreams into reality. Thank you so much.

Soon we will be replacing our collection boxes with more secure new ones. One thing we will have to keep in mind is that second collection offerings must be in the special envelope or marked so it can be sorted from the regular collection. Again, thank you for supporting our parish through your loving stewardship.

Our 90th anniversary will conclude with a wonderful Dinner-Dance on September 22 at the Orland Chateau. Reservations will be taken shortly. At the dinner, we will honor three people who have played a special role in the life of Saint George. Ed Weston, our former school principal, Ms. Marge Pries who taught in our school for over forty years, and Darlene Georges who worked for the parish for over thirty years. Please plan on joining us for a great celebration of parish, family, music and friends.