6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Safety Guidelines

Before You Arrive

  • Check your temperature.  If you have one, please do not come to church.
  • Stay home if you are ill.
  • Make sure you have a face covering to bring and wear.
  • Remember to bring your registration if you are not already on a list of attendees


When You Arrive

  • Enter only in marked doorways.
  • Wait patiently to be checked in by greeter
  • Keep your face covering or mask on at all times except when receiving Communion.
  • Sanitize your hands as directed by greeter.
  • Observe social distancing at all times (look for marks on the floor).
  • Ushers will direct you to pews with markings showing where to sit.
  • Since there will be no passing of baskets for your offering, please leave your offering in the boxes provided at the entrance and exit areas.


During the Service
  • Do not change seats during a service.
  • There will be no passing of offertory baskets.
  • No physical sign of peace will be exchanged during Mass.

Follow Instructions for Communion

  • Leave your seat only when directed by usher or greeter.
  • Maintain six feet social distancing in the Communion line – look for marks on the floor.
  • When 12 feet or two people away from the priest, sanitize your hands using the sanitizer from the usher.  After sanitizing do not touch any surfaces.
  • Approach the priest only after you are called forward.  Do not remove your face covering.
  • Extend a single hand to receive the Host.
  • After moving six feet to the right or left, remove your mask and consume the Host.
  • Replace your face covering or mask.
  • Follow instructions to return to your pew.


After The Service
  • Please take any worship aids you may have brought with you.
  • You will be dismissed by pew or seating area.  Follow the instructions of the greeter or usher.
  • Use only the designated exit doors.
  • Do not congregate outside the church doors.
  • Continue to wear your face covering or mask until you leave the area where worshipers are.A