6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Saint George Needs Your Help

COVID-19 has changed so many aspects of our lives but the ministry of the Church goes on! More than ever, the ordinary parishioner can make an extraordinary contribution to our parish worship. One way is to join our COVID team. It’s easy! We need greeters, sanitizers and cleaners. It takes just a few minutes before and after Mass. Providing everyone with a safe and secure place for Mass is our goal.  Another way is to learn how to livestream our Masses. This is easy, too! With just a few minutes of training, you will be helping us get God’s Word and Eucharist out to the world! So if you can help with our COVID team or livestreaming our Masses, please call the parish office at 708-532-2243 or click on the link below.