This Lent, “Altar” your life!!!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that Eucharist is the “source and summit” of the Christian life, but how many of us truly understand the mystery and gift of the Mass?
This Lent, Saint George Adult Faith Formation, in conjunction with Children’s Faith Formation, will offer a three night exploration of the Mass, its history, and its symbolism, through the Ascension Press video series, Altaration.
Each night at 6:00 PM, CFF students will experience the liturgy of the Stations of the Cross. After the Stations, the younger students will be dismissed to classes.
Videos will begin at 6:30 PM each evening, with discussion until 7:30 PM. Each of the two first weeks will consist of
20-30 minutes of short videos with time for discussion and exploration between each topic. The last week will consist of a 58 minute presentation of a “walk-through Mass,” beginning with the significance of the priest’s vestments and ending with the Mass recessional. This session will continue until 8:00 PM for those who would like to stay and discuss the material in the video.
At every Mass we proclaim the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s death, resurrection, and promise to return. Make this Paschal season a special one by giving deeper meaning to those words we often recite with little thought.
Wednesday, March 9: “I was bored, too!” – “The Incarnation” – “A Father Who Loves Us”
Wednesday, March 16: “The Mystery Revealed”
Wednesday, March 30: ”The Why’s Behind the Whats”
We hope many of you will be able to join us for one or more of the session.