6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243


Adult Faith Formation provides and promotes opportunities for people to grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer and study.  –  Parish Office – 708-532-2243

Catholic Women Sharing Faith meets weekly with other women to discuss faith topics and includes the Prayer Shawl Ministry.  –  Pina Quatrina at 708-606-0898

Prayer Shawl Ministry where women crochet and knit shawls for people in need of prayer.  –  Pina Quatrina at 708-606-0898

Children’s Liturgy of the Word gathers in church at 9:30 AM Mass; leaves to read and talk about the readings with children in the Rectory Meeting Room and then returns to join their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  –  Dawn Bartos at 708-478-0905

“That Man Is You” meets with other men to discuss faith based topics weekly on Saturday mornings in the Rectory Meeting Room.  –  Gary Hendzell at 708-614-1734

Missionary Group supports the Church’s missionary activity through providing education to parishioners, prayer and book collections.
Linda Whitaker at 708-532-9133

Religious Education provides religious instruction for parish public school children; classes for grades 1-8 on Wednesday at 6:00 PM.  –  Jeanne Lassandrello at 708-532-8211

Religious Education Board develops and defines policies which govern the operation for our Saint George Religious Education Program.  – Pat Kukula at 708-429-7801

O.C.I.A. prepares for being received into the sacramental life of the Catholic Church; for adults, teens and children.  –  Jeanne Lassandrello at 708-532-8211

S.P.R.E.D. provides faith formation to children with a learning or developmental disabilities.  –  Liz Paller at 708-373-6517

Baptism Preparation provides classes for parents of children to be baptized.  –  Parish Office at 708-532-2243

Reconciliation Preparation provides training and instruction to those who are to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.  –   Jeanne Lassandrello at 708-532-8211

Eucharist Preparation provides instruction to those who are to receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time.  – Jeanne Lassandrello at 708-532-8211

Confirmation Preparation prepares those to receive Confirmation.  –  Jeanne Lassandrello at 708-532-8211

Marriage Preparation provides engaged couples an opportunity to discuss marriage issues.  –  Rectory Office at 708-532-2243

Saint George School provides Catholic education to children of the Parish.  –  Charlotte Pratl at 708-532-2626

Athletic Association provides for athletic and recreational needs of Saint George School students.  –  Kelly Murray at 630-815-3738

Band Booster enhances the Band Program.  –  St. George School at 708 532-2626

Extended Day provides care from 6:00 AM until school starts and from 2:20 PM until 6:00 PM on school days; provides 1/2 day service and full day service on school days off.  –  Charlotte Pratl at 708-532-2626

Hardship Committee helps Saint George School families keep up on tuition payments during times of hardship.
Rectory Office at 708-532-2243

Parent-Teacher League works in cooperation with the Principal, Faculty, School Board and Pastor to promote a better learning environment for St. George School.  –   Jean Peterson –  708-642-0949

PART raises money through a stewardship program for the parish through the sale of gift certificates.  –  Jean Peterson – 708-642-0949

School Board develops and defines policies which govern the operation of the school.  –  Saint George School at 708-532-2025

Vocations promotes religious vocations.

Web Ministry helps keep our website up to date.  –  Mary Boss at

Young Adult Ministry provides opportunities for people from 18 through 29 to gather, share faith and socialize.  

Youth Ministry provides programs for Middle School and High School teens to gather with a community of friends, have fun, learn about the Catholic Faith and actively participate in the faith community.  – Kristen Maxwell at