A Glimpse of God
Featuring nationally known speaker, Joe Paprocki

Joe Paprocki
Joe Paprocki, DMin, the National Consultant for Faith Formation for Loyola Press, has been in pastoral ministry for over 40 years, has authored over 20 books (including A Church on the Move and his most recent, 8 Steps to Energize Your Faith), and presented in over 150 dioceses in North America. Joe received his Masters Degree from the Institute of Pastoral Studies (Loyola University of Chicago) and his Doctor of Ministry Degree from the University of Saint Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary). Joe blogs about his catechetical experiences and insights at www.catechistsjourney.com. He and his wife Joanne live in Evergreen Park and enjoy life with their two grown children (and their spouses) and their four grandchildren.
Sunday (February 25)
What the World Needs Now is a Glimpse of God
The movie, Apollo 13, gave us the now-famous line “Houston, we have a problem.” The truth is, our Church and our world are facing many problems that seem, at times, insurmountable. We are in desperate need of glimpsing God in our midst and hearing his voice proclaim the Truth, so that, as in Apollo 13, this may yet be “our finest hour.” Together, we’ll explore how we can and must respond to the crises we face and become a “Church on the Move.”
Monday (February 26)
Glimpsing God in Our Own Lives and in Our Parish
In a world where people are desperately searching for meaning and purpose, folks are turning away from traditional “religion” and seeking spiritual wellness elsewhere (“I’m spiritual but not religious”). They simply don’t believe that they will catch a “glimpse of God” in the Catholic Church. In order to become a “Church on the Move,” we must ensure that we ourselves are developing eyesight capable of seeing God in everyday life. Together, we will explore how the Catholic Church helps us to “see” so that we can truly find God in all things.
Tuesday (February 27)
Helping Others to Glimpse God: Becoming a Church on the Move
Unless a church is moving “outwards,” it risks becoming irrelevant and eventually, obsolete. As a “Church on the Move,” we have been commissioned to go forth and help others “glimpse God” in their daily lives and to help them recognize that such “glimpses” are transformative and even lifesaving. Together, we will explore how the faith community of Saint George can serve as a “beacon of light” to Tinley Park and surrounding communities and thrive as a “Church on the Move” for years to come.