What Does It Mean to be Catholic Today?
Pre-Lenten Mission
Featuring Father Tom McCarthy, OSA
Sponsored by: Saint Elizabeth Seton, Saint George
and Saint Julie Billiart Parishes
February 17, 18 and 19
7:00 PM
At Saint Julie Billiart, 7399 159th Street, Tinley Park
The Saints:
Are they heroes of our faith?
Is it worth it?
The Family of Faith:
What is my role in being an active part of this family?
Father Tom McCarthy, OSA
Father Tom is an experienced teacher, administrator, retreat director and parish mission preacher.
He is a native of the South Side of Chicago. He grew up in Saint Adrian Parish in Marquette Park. He received his elementary school education at Saint Adrian School and high school education at Saint Rita of Cascia High School. He graduated from Villanova University with a B.A. in Communication Arts. He also has a Master of Arts in Educational Administration from Lewis University.
Father Tom entered the Midwest Province of the Augustinian Order in 1987. After completing his novitiate, he attended Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree.
In 1993, he made his solemn vows as an Augustinian Friar and in 1994 he was ordained to the priesthood.
He did a pastoral internship at Saint Clare of Montefalco Parish in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, and taught theology at Providence Catholic High School in New Lenox.
Father Tom ministered for 21 years at Saint Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago as a teacher, campus
minister, Principal, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Father Tom ministered for nine years as the Vocation Director for the Our Mother of Good Counsel
(Midwest) and five years for Saint Thomas of Villanova (Eastern) Province.
Father Tom spent two years as the Augustinian Advisor to the Office of First- and Second-Year Initiatives – Office of Student Life at Villanova University.
Father Tom ministered in Rome as part of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New
Evangelization where he was named a Papal Missionary of Mercy by Pope Francis in 2018. Father Tom spent two years as the Director of the Augustinian Marylake Shrine in King City, Ontario, and the Prior of the Marylake Augustinian Monastery.
Father Tom is currently in his 12th year as Vocation Director for the Midwest Province and is the Director of Saint Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago, IL. Father Tom is also the Prior of the Pre-Novitiate
Community of Saint Clare of Montefalco Friary in Chicago. Father Tom continues to preach parish missions and lead retreats. You can find more information on his website www.frtommccarthy.co,