Do you or anyone you know wish to become Catholic or to complete the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process in which a person explores the possibility of becoming Catholic through: prayer (communicating with God); discernment (listening to the Holy Spirit’s call); learning about God and the Church; accepting the call to live out one’s faith as a member of the Catholic Church. For those who are baptized as a Christian in another denomination, or those who were baptized as a Catholic but did not receive the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist, this is also a SERVICE and OUTREACH opportunity to enter into full membership in the Church.
To develop a faith and trust in God, we need to open our minds and hearts to respond to God’s plan for us. Join us to walk the journey of faith with others who are opening their hearts and minds through, formation, study of our tradition, scripture, and prayer. You can call Jeanne Lassandrello at the Parish Office at 708-532-2243 ext 514, or direct line at 708-532-8211, or email me at