Marian Shrine Blessing
Following the 7:30 AM Mass on Sunday, September 1, about fifty people came to join in the prayers while others were able to watch on TV in the church. Father Ken joined Fathers Paul, John and Charles, our missionary visitor from India.
The prayer was a simple invocation of God’s blessing on our parish and all who would visit the shrine. We then prayed a Litany of Mary, asking her intercession for all our needs.
The shrine was designed by Dennis Chapman of Environmentally Sound Landscaping. Dennis is a parishioner of Saint Terrence. He built the shrine not only as a part of his business but also with a deep devotion to our faith.
This beautiful shrine has been made possible by generous gifts from the families of Jay Surufka, Margaret Holmes, all the brick donors and your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. The dedication bricks should be installed in about six weeks. Please come and take some time for quiet prayer, then stop by at the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.
Click here to view a video of the event.

Wine Tasting Mixer
On Saturday, May 18 Saint George Parishioners toasted Saint George’s 90 Years with a wine tasting party. Click here for pictures of the event.

The Big Event
On April 21, 2024, Saint George and Saint Julie Billiart teamed up to help three families from Tinley Park who have suffered catastrophic medical events – the Donohue Family, the Mercardo Family and the Dettman Family.
Click here to view photos from the event.
Click here to hear Father Paul play Harlem Nocturne on the saxophone.

Chili Cook-Off – February 11
On February 11, the 90th Anniversary committee hosted a Chili cook-off.
Congratulations to the winners
1st Place – Gabriele Lakie
2nd Place – Fr. John Zurek
3rd Place – Lauren Mehok-Truitt

Family Roller Skating Party – January 21
On January 21, the Saint George 90th Anniversary committee hosted a Roller Skating Party at the Tinley Park Roller Rink. Click here to view photos from the event.

Sweet Reminder
Musical Journey
In celebration of Saint George’s 90th Anniversary and in honor of our wonderful veterans, Saint George parishioners took a musical journey back in time on Saturday, November 11. A special thanks to the 90th Anniversary Committee and all those who volunteered to make this evening so memorable and enjoyable. Click here to view photos.
Marian Shrine
Saint George Parish is building a Marian Shrine to commemorate our 90th anniversary. There
will be a brick paver walkway up and around the shrine.
We are offering an opportunity for you to purchase and personalize a brick to honor a deceased member of the family, your family name, wedding anniversary or recognition of your parish life, to name a few.
To place an order, click here. There are also order forms at the entrances of the church.
If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Conrad at www.kconrad@stgeorge60477.org.

Saint George 2023 Picnic
A good time was had by all. Food, games, Bounce houses, DJ, Fire department visit, face painting, goody bags, split the pot raffles,door prizes and making new acquaintances. What a great way to kickoff our 90th anniversary year. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers for accommodating a good sized crowd and thanks to all the families who came out to share a nice relaxing day. St George, Pray for Us. Oh…. And You Rock! Enjoy the photos. Click here to view the photos.
Saint George Picnic Committee

Photos Wanted!
We are looking for any pictures you might have of Saint George’s History to be used for the 90th Anniversary Year. If you have any pictures you would like us to use, please drop them off at the parish office or in the boxes marked at the exits of the Church, or email to stgeorge2023picnic@gmail.com
Note: All photos should be labeled if you would like them returned to you. Any questions please contact Deacon Tom at 708-655-6370 or tschutzius@stgeorge60477.org.