One of the ways you can support our Parish Christmas Giving Tree Ministry is by taking an ornament off one of our three Giving Trees located at each entrance of Church. By taking an ornament, you can select an individual to bless this Christmas Season and help a person in need. We will also have monetary donation envelopes titled “Christmas Giving Tree” if you are unable to shop.
Each year the Christmas Giving Trees provide Saint George Parish a unique opportunity to work with the entire community by coordinating resources to meet the needs of families who might not have had the ability to share in the spirit of the holiday season.
Saint George Parish will be sharing gifts with.,,
Saint Coletta’s Group Home Supply Drive
This yellow star shaped gift tag will help residents who are provided with educational and vocational services to men and women with developmental disabilities. Needed items for men or women are hats, gloves, scarves, mittens, blankets, children’s books, games, puzzles and twin XL bedding. The suggested gift is $25 and gifts to be returned by Sunday, December 12. Wrapping is unnecessary.
Saint Gerard Majella
The Purple Angel shaped gift tag will help children from our sharing parish. Names and ages will be on all of the ornaments. Older children’s ornaments will have sizes for clothing and toys can be purchased for the younger children. The suggested gift amount is $15. Gifts should be wrapped and returned by Sunday, December 5.
Saint Vincent De Paul
The Red Heart shaped gift tags will help Saint Vincent De Paul families from our parish who are going through a difficult time due to illness, job loss or other unforeseen circumstances. This Christmas, support a family in need to buy a gift for their child(ren), food for their holiday table, or alleviate the burden of fulfilling a basic need. We are asking for gift cards,
purchased through our P.A.R.T. program in the amount of $25 – $35 for each tag. Gifts to be returned by Sunday,
December 12.
The Women’s Center
The Pink and Blue Tags help the Women’s Center support children saved from abortion. The suggested gift amount is $15. Gifts to be returned by Sunday, December 12. Please put gift in box/bag and wrapping is unnecessary.
You are invited to take a gift tag from one of the trees that has information about the recipient of the gifts. You can also pick up a tag during the week by coming to the Rectory (Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8:45 AM and 3:00 PM or Tuesday and Thursday between 8:45 AM and 6:00 PM). Please check your tag as the dates to be returned are different for each group and remember to attach the gift tag to the gifts.
Thank you for giving to those in need this Christmas season!