6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Vacation Bible School

Saint George Parish will be offering Vacation Bible School this summer for students aged 5-12. Teens aged 13-20 are invited to help run the camp, teaching daily lessons, running games, teaching crafts and dances, and performing skits. Our theme this year is “Marvelous Mystery: The Mass Comes Alive.”

During each of the five days, participants will learn how the Mass is a Mystery, a Gift, a Celebration, a Meal, and a Call as they explore the virtues of patience, peace, unity, faith and generosity and learn about saints who exhibited each of those virtues.

Two weeks prior to the actual camp, Teen Boot Camp will be held in the evening from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Teens will eat as a group (dinner will be provided each night) and then work together studying the material, choreographing music, writing and rehearsing skits, and organizing crafts. Additional evenings may be scheduled depending on the speed at which preparations are accomplished.

What:  Vacation Bible School

Where:  Saint George Parish Life Center

When:  Boot Camp:  Monday, June 27 through Thursday, June 30: 5:30-8:30 PM Tuesday, July 5 and Wednesday, July 6 : (evenings as needed)

Actual VBS Camp :  July 11-15 from 9:00 AM – Noon for participants; (8:00AM-1:30 PM with light breakfast and lunch provided for teens).  The Friday session (July 15) will culminate with an 11:00 AM Mass to which all families are invited, followed by snacks for all and (weather permitting) some water balloon fun.

Fees go to cover the cost of the program, craft materials, a tote bag for each participant and the Friday afternoon festivities.

# of Participants 
(aged 5-12)

1 Child
2 Children
3 or More Children

Early Bird Registration
(by June 20, 2022)


Registration after
June 20, 2022


Teen Helpers are welcome to join even if they cannot make every night of boot camp, or even if they cannot help out every day of actual VBS. We need your creativity and energy to make this a success!!!!

Registration forms are available below and also at all the entrances of Saint George Church.  For more information, contact Fran at