6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Children’s Faith Formation – Important Notices

Important Notices and Online Resources

Our primary materials will be from Loyola Press (Finding God, Wander Light, God’s Gift of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and more). Please use this link to connect via email with Loyola:

We recommend the following options from that link:

  • Loyola 3-Minute Retreat
    Take three minutes for a daily interactive prayer break right at your computer.
  • Sunday Connection
    Receive useful background and activities to better understand the upcoming Sunday’s Scripture readings.
  • The Year In Our Church
    Seasonal resources for Advent, Lent and other important dates on the
    Church calendar.
  • Catholic Faith Formation
    Find monthly planning ideas for religious educators and catechist development articles.


We are using Credible Catholic as an additional avenue for our 8th grade Confirmation preparation students.  The website is

IF YOU HAVE NOT YET SIGNED UP, PLEASE DO SO!  There is a wealth of information on FORMED for all ages as we continue our journey as Disciples in Mission!

(Please click the link below to see document.)


Supplementary information will also come from a variety of sources. We will reach out in our weekly emails (Wednesdays) with directions as appropriate. Thank you!