6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL  60477  – Phone:  708-532-2243

Worship Schedule

Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil – 4:00 PM
Sunday – 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM
Monday through Friday – 8:15 AM

Saturday – 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Holy Hour & Benediction: 
Tuesday – 6:00 to 7:00 PM (Church)

Monday through Friday – 11:00 AM to Midnight (Holy Family Chapel)

Holy Family Chapel

Holy Family Chapel is open from 11:00 AM through 11:00 PM (closing at midnight) on Monday through Friday.  Click here for additional information and to sign up.

Fair Trade Is Back

Brrrr! Warm up with Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa, and a bowl of hot bean soup made with the Colorado Women’s Bean Project Bean Soup Mixes.  Enjoy some Divine Chocolate, so delicious!  The next Fair Trade Sale will take place on
February 5 and 6 after all Masses. 

Bingo Is Back

Due to the surge in COVID, BINGO did not take place during the month of January.  BINGO will resume on Friday, February 4.


Divorce and Beyond

Saint George will be offering a 10-session study/discussion using the book “Divorce and Beyond”.  Those who suffered a divorce or are going through it are invited to register.

The group will meet on a day to be determined at our first meeting on February 22 at 7:00 PM. Call Deacon Joe Truesdale (708-614-0286) to reserve your place for Divorce and Beyond.


Tax Credit Scholarships

Fund a Child’s Future.  Donate now, reduce your state income tax and invest in our children’s future!  Take advantage of a limited time 2-for-1 matching gift.  Click here for details.


Strike It Rich Raffle

Strike It Rich Raffle tickets are now on sale.  Buy a ticket for $20 and you will have a chance to win the Grand Prize of $10,000.  The drawing will be held on May 7, 2022.  Tickets are available at the school or parish office.


Souper Bowl of Caring

This Super Bowl weekend (February 12-13), Saint George Parish will once again take part in the Souper Bowl of Caring collection at all the Masses. All monies raised are kept here in the parish and used to defer costs for meals which our parish prepares and serves on a monthly basis at Daybreak Shelter in Joliet.  If you are attending Mass virtually and dropping off your offerings at the rectory, please mark your donation as “Souper Bowl of Caring” and place it in the key deposit slot along with your regular weekly offering.


Childrens' Liturgy
of the Word

Children’s Liturgy has been suspended for a short time due to a flood issue in the rectory, but will begin again on Sunday, February 13 at the 930 AM Mass.


Annual Catholic Appeal

The Annual Catholic Appeal offers a wonderful opportunity to answer the call “Making all things new… God’s promise and our responsibility.”

As we contemplate God’s many gifts to us, we should also reflect on our gratitude. Your financial support for the work of our parish, our archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is one way to express this gratitude. Please give what you can to the 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal.


Tinley Park Food Pantry

Donations of non-perishable food for the Tinley Park Food Pantry can be brought to Saint George Church on the
third weekend of each month.  The next weekend for Tinley Park Food Pantry donations is January 15-16.  Thank you for your generosity!



Tinley Park Food Pantry

Annual Catholic Appeal

Eucharist Adoration
Wednesdays: 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Children's Faith Formation

Presider Schedule
Ongoing: Attend

Daybreak Shelter

Give Central
Ongoing: Donate

Mass Intentions
Ongoing: Schedule

Lector - Eucharistic Minister Schedule

Funeral Planning
Ongoing: Pray

Bread and Word
Ongoing: Sunday Mornings

That Man Is You
Ongoing: Join

Prayer Shawls
Available: Parish Office

Ongoing: Interested

Invitation to Our Faith
Ongoing: Interested

Amazon Smile
Ongoing: Shop & Support

Saint George Facebook Page
Ongoing: Follow

Adult Formation
Ongoing: Join

Adult Formation
Ongoing: Join

Fridays at 7:00 PM

Children's Liturgy of the Word' Ongoing: Learn

Domestic Violence
Outreach Ministry

Annual Catholic Appeal
Ongoing: Donate

Saint Vincent De Paul
Ongoing: Support

Renew My Church
Ongoing: Pray

Ongoing: Participate

School Fundraiser
Ongoing: Shop & Support

School Fundraiser
Ongoing: Take a Chance

Tax Credit Scholarships

Fair Trade
Ongoing: Buy & Support

Word on Fire
Ongoing: Learn

Archdiocese of Chicago
Ongoing: Support